Geez. Since I've been enrolled into the MGIMO-University, I have to decide which language I will learn for the next 4 (3?) years. And the prettiest fact is that no one knows which fucking languages will be available this year, just because there are three major languages: English, French, German. Only three, even though there are 52 languages available. But the other 49 depend on student choices, lol.
If there are at least 6-9 students who want to learn, for example, Urdu and they study without state scholarship (In other words, their parents pay for their education) , they at least have a chance to get Urdu as second language. The might get it, but no one guarantees it. Anyway, those who get scholarship have much less chances to get language they want and in one way I mustn't complain, just because I have this single advantage.
But I'm complaining, because I want to take Turkish as my second lang'. And I really hope it'll be so. But if that doesn't happen (And it's rate is at least fifty percent) then I will have to choose another language.
Which? How the fuck do I know?
Let's take Spanish for example, the one my parents want me to learn: it's a good one and seems to be simple and not too hard in pronunciation. Guess what? Yup, I've met Spanish texts for less than ten times. In the Internet, of course. Okay, internet in Spain might be not so popular. Then it comes to business opportunities and the only one is Oil and Gas Industry. Well, okay, we all know that such countries as Venezuela, Mexico, Columbia and Peru that really make Oil and it may be a good chance to work there. But there's one problem: why do International companies in these countries even need Spanish for work (of course if you're not a low-level worker in an oil producing area)? Of course a basic knowledge is required, because you will have to live in the country you work. Otherwise Spanish in only needed for local markets and in such countries as Argentina. Please correct me if I'm not right.
Then it comes to, eww, I really don't want to say this, French. I'm fed up with this piece of bullshit since I tried to learn it in my middle school. Opportunities are much better, but this is one that listed in my "Hate list". To the next language.
Next is German. I just do not find anything good in German, maybe because I just don't like the rotten EU.
Now it comes to Japanese. It's a good language with very big opportunities. Oh, it was, sorry. It was good for engineers, managers and seniors after 1970th and till 1990th. I do not mention those who work in Healthcare industry, just because the have always been needed in countries as U.S. and Japan. Returning to the topic, I can't say It's easy to find a job in Japan. Now popular careers are: I.T. (system administrators and programmers), Healthcare (as always) and Business (executives, seniors, managers). Finance industry is high-paid too, but It's much harder to find a work there. But I doubt that it's harder that to find a work in Business, just because there will be thousands of people who will want the job you want. Or hundreds at least.
For now English is the best choice for future, but I still need a second language, even after writing this post for and hour, approximately.
If I get Turkish, it will be very good because being a citizen of two countries may really be profitable. But if not, then.. If it would go the worst way, I will have to take Japanese. And I would better kill myself rather then take French. Spanish is still available though it might be useful mostly in the U.S.
And the very best part of Turkish is that I know the basics of this language at least. =\
Geez again, thanks for reading.